LPI (Laser Peripheral Iridotomy): Protecting Your Vision from Glaucoma

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LPI (Laser Peripheral Iridotomy): Protecting Your Vision from Glaucoma

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LPI (Laser Peripheral Iridotomy): Protecting Your Vision from Glaucoma

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LPI (Laser Peripheral Iridotomy): Protecting Your Vision from Glaucoma

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LPI (Laser Peripheral Iridotomy): Protecting Your Vision from Glaucoma

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Concerned about narrow-angle glaucoma? Laser Peripheral Iridotomy (LPI) is a preventive treatment designed to reduce the risk of sudden eye pressure increases that could harm your vision.

​​​​​​​What is LPI?

LPI uses a laser to create a tiny hole in the iris, helping fluid flow more freely within the eye and
preventing pressure buildup.

Why Consider LPI?

  • Prevents acute angle-closure glaucoma

  • Quick and painless procedure

  • Long-term protection for your vision

What to Expect

The procedure is fast and effective, with minimal recovery time. Most patients can resume their daily activities shortly afterward.

Protect your vision—contact us today to learn more about LPI and whether it’s right for you.

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