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Digital Eyestrain: Causes and Prevention Tips

Digital Eyestrain: Causes and Prevention Tips

Digital Eyestrain: Causes and Prevention Tips

Digital Eyestrain: Causes and Prevention Tips

Digital Eyestrain: Causes and Prevention Tips

Today, almost every job involves using a digital screen; for most people, that means looking at a screen the entire day. After a day of work and a few breaks, your eyes will feel tired, and you will likely nurse a headache. 


This condition is called digital eyestrain, and it can also develop from doing close-up activities like driving a car or reading a book for long. While it has been around for some time, digital eyestrain has only recently become much more common. Studies say that at least 27% of Americans have complained about headaches associated with the condition. 


Usually, you can take steps to ease the symptoms using noninvasive and drug-free strategies. But if your digital eyestrain does not fade away even after implementing this strategy, it is likely a sign of something much more complicated.



What Causes Digital Eyestrain?



As mentioned, the condition develops after prolonged focus on near-vision tasks, especially those that involve a digital screen. The Vision Council says that at least 87% of American adults use digital devices for a minimum of two hours a day. 


They also found that 76% of children use digital devices for at least two hours daily. Both these demographics can experience different symptoms from digital device exposure, including eyestrain.


Other causes of the condition include:


  • Concentrating on a single visually demanding task for long.
  • Working in a dimly lit, extremely brightly lit room for long periods.
  • Fatigue or feeling stressed.
  • Experiencing eye issues like dry eye or other poor vision conditions.



Direct Causes of Digital Eyestrain



Some more immediate causes of digital eyestrain are:


  • Low blink rate when using digital devices.
  • Extended periods exposed to blue light from digital screens and devices.
  • Having poor posture habits when using digital devices.
  • Holding a digital device too close or too close to your face.
  • Viewing a poorly lit screen for long periods.



Prevention Tips for Digital Eyestrain



Take Breaks When Working



Experts recommend implementing the 20-20-20 rule every time you work on a digital device. The rule states that you should have something you can focus on for 20 seconds at least 20 feet away. 


It would be best to take frequent breaks every 20 minutes to do this exercise. Moreover, it would help if you had breaks every few hours from the work that you are doing to ensure you let your eyes and brain rest.



Screen Position



A key factor in the development of digital eyestrain is the position of your screen, both in terms of distance and elevation. The best position is an arm’s length away with an elevation just below your eye line or on the same level. This is ideal for computers and other digital devices like iPads, phones, or tablets.



Correct Lighting



Lighting is also a common cause of digital eyestrain, whether too much light or too little. When you focus on reading a book, the light should be behind you; while watching the TV, the lights should be slightly dimmer.


For more on the causes and prevention tips for digital eyestrain, visit Green Eye Care at our office in New York, New York. Call (347) 757-5475​​​​​​​ to book an appointment today.

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